Delivery of 3 - 7 business days * Terms and conditions apply


depilYA! Gel For Men

Original price was: $ 51,00.Current price is: $ 20,99.

Depiladora en gel que elimina el vello corporal entre 60 a 90 segundos, evitando ardor, dolor, irritación, cortes o encarnación del vello.

Delivery of 3 – 7 business days * Terms and conditions apply


Fast: Removes body hair in as little as 60 seconds, without irritatio and without pain.

Long-lasting softness: Leaves skin silky smooth and free of unwanted hairs.

Painless: Forget abourt blades and painful hair removal methods that leave your skin irritated and avoid ingrown hairs. 

– Do not use the depilYA! during pregnancy.- Do not use razors before using the depilYA!- Do not use on areas with chemical products- Do not use on irritated áreas

Remember that depilYA! is an instant chemical depilator, therefore, it is not recommended for use in highly sensitive areas such as labia, anus, penis, testicles, face and areas with skin conditions. You can use depilYA! with total peace of mind in areas such as: legs, arms, armpits, back, v-zone or bikini area (without applying on labia or testicles), chest, back, buttocks. Do not forget to perform a sensitivity test before applying the product, the skin must be clean and dry, avoid applying depilYA! on skin with residues of cosmetic products.

It is recommended that during pregnancy you do not use products with chemical compositions, but during breastfeeding you can use all products with total peace of mind.

Like any cosmetic product, depilYA! can cause adverse reactions depending on your skin type or the incorrect way of application, so it is necessary that before using it you perform a sensitivity test in the same area where you are going to depilate, this to make sure that your skin is suitable for the product.

There are some hairs that are thicker than others, so depilYA! can take longer in these cases to do its depilatory effect, here are some recommendations to keep in mind when using depilYA! After cleaning the area to be waxed and performing the sensitivity test for 15 seconds, apply the necessary amount of depilYA! to cover the area and wait 1 minute, during which time you will notice how the hairs curl, this means that the process is going well. If you see that there are still some hairs to curl, apply the product again, without having removed the first application and wait another minute. You can remove it with a damp cloth, a towel or with water and that’s it, you will have a perfect hair removal and smooth skin. After this you can give your skin an extreme moisturizing with our body butter or anti-stretch marks oil.

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Modo de uso del depigmentante íntimo

Devolverle el tono natural a tu piel y eliminar esas manchas oscuras si es posible, aprende cómo con el modo de uso del despigmentante íntimo. Sabemos que la mayoría de las veces esta pigmentación es causada por cambios hormonales, acné o métodos de depilación como la cuchilla o la cera. Con el correcto modo de uso del Despigmentante íntimo notarás los cambios entre 15 a 27 días. Recuerda que es un tratamiento progresivo mínimo 3 meses consecutivos. Estos resultados van sujetos a factores como cambios hormonales, productos cosméticos (desodorantes), métodos de depilación, entre otros.

Aquí te dejamos el modo de aplicación despigmentante íntimo, este maravilloso producto que le podrás sacar el mayor provecho posible. Recuerda realizar la prueba de sensibilidad antes de tu primera aplicación.


Prueba de sensibilidad Aplica una pequeña cantidad del producto en el área a tratar, espera 10 Segundos, si no presenta reacciones adversas continúa con el proceso, tu piel es apta para usar el producto.

Modo de uso del desgimentante íntimo – Día

  • Paso 1

Si vas a usarlo en el día, aplica en la zona que deseas despigmentar la cantidad necesaria para cubrir el área y con movimientos circulares suaves por 3 min. Recuerda que no debes frotar, más bien debes realizar suaves masajes.

  • Paso 2

Deja actuar el producto de 10 a 15 minutos más.

  • Paso 3

Retiralo con agua tibia.

Modo de uso del desgimentante íntimo – Noche

  • Paso 1

Aplica en la zona que estás tratando, la cantidad necesaria para así cubrir el área.

  • Paso 2

Déjalo actuar toda la noche y al día siguiente enjuaga con agua tibia. Y LISTO ✨